So you are ready to go camping for the first time, or you are a veteran at camping but have never brought along a camping cot to sleep on. And you probably wonder if camping cots are as comfortable as some claim.
Are camping cots comfortable? Yes, camping cots are more comfortable than sleeping on the ground. Choosing the right mattress to sleep on will make a world of difference in the quality of sleep you get while camping.
Are Camping Cots Comfortable? It All Depends on You and The Type of Mattress You Choose!
Your basic camping cot that you can pick up for cheap will probably not be the comfort you are looking for when you go camping. In my opinion, even the worst camping cot would be better than sleeping on the hard ground. But I’m sure a select few enjoy sleeping on the ground, and I imagine you are not one of them because you are asking about camping cots.
If you are a side sleeper, you might want to check out our other article best camping cots for side sleepers. That article provides an excellent resource for side sleepers shopping around for camping cots.
3 Types of Camping Cot Pads
There are three different types of pads or mattresses that camping cots come with. They are:
Air Mattress

An Inflatable air mattress is one type of pad you can use for camping. These types of pads you inflate with your breath or a motorized inflatable pump. You can also use a hand pump to inflate the mattress.
Some claim these camping pads are the most comfortable to get a luxurious night’s sleep while camping in the woods.
Self-Inflating Foam Pad
A self-inflating foam pad is similar to an air mattress the only difference is it incorporates extra cushion that a foam pad offers along with the cushion that an air mattress provides. Whether you are summer or winter camping, you can choose one of these pads by their pad R values that rate the heat resistance of the pad.
For example, if you are camping in the summer and want cooler sleeping conditions, you would opt for an R-value that is less than 2.0. If you are camping in the dead of winter, you would want your camping pad to have an R-value of 5.5 or greater.
Closed Cell Foam Pad

The third type of camping pad is called a cell foam pad. These pads come in various types of material. One of the most popular types is memory foam. Unlike the other two camping pad options, the foam pads don’t pack as well as the others.
So if you plan backpacking to your campsite, you will want to consider that air mattresses can compress and pack much easier than a foam pad. And at the same time, an air pad will give you a much more comfortable option while camping.
Consider a Sturdy Frame
To get the best night’s sleep possible while out camping in the wild, you will want also to consider the sturdiness of the camping cot frame. If the camping cot pad does not sit well on the frame, or worse yet, it sags while you lay on it, you will not get a comfortable night’s sleep.
Camping cot frames are generally made from steel or aluminum. Steel is much sturdier than aluminum, but it is heavier. With aluminum cots, you might find that the frame may bend, causing your camping bed to sag. But if you can get a cot made from 6061-grade aluminum, you will find that it provides a sturdier frame for your bed than the weaker grade of 5052.
If you plan on backpacking, you will want to opt for an aluminum framed cot, but if you don’t have far to go to your campsite, you would want to opt for the heavier steel frame camping cot.
Are Camping Cots Worth It?
So is buying a camping cot worth it? Yes, camping cots are well worth the expense and are an essential piece of camping gear to add to your camping list.
With the information from above, you now have the best chance to choose the suitable camping cot for your personal situation. Make sure you shop around you will eventually find the perfect camping cot in your price range.
Now that you know that camping cots are comfortable and, in my opinion, well worth it, go out and get yourself a camping cot and get out there and enjoy the great outdoors!
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Until next time Happy Camping!
Cory Haasnoot is the owner and operator of Camping Prepper. He loves to camp and fish. Cory is also a history buff and coin collector. He has been producing websites on various topics for the last five years.
Proverbs 16:9 – The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.